
Destiny 2 is looking spectacular on PC


Destiny is a game that I’ve poured hundreds of hours into on PlayStation 4, cultivating teams of raid buddies along the way. So why would I leave all that behind to play Destiny 2 on anything else?

Well, have you seen the PC version?

The PC beta is available as of today if you’ve pre-ordered the game, and anyone else can download it through Battle.net from 1pm ET. I played it on my own PC today and on a more powerful rig at the Gamescom trade show in Cologne, Germany last week. Both experiences were enough to convince me that it’ll be worth making the jump.

This might come as a surprise, since the original Destiny had no PC version at all. And Bungie’s history with the PC is checkered to say the least; originally a Mac developer, the…

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via GeekNews http://ift.tt/2vG9xAb


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